Note: The information provided varies among the different data sources. In some cases, only list prices are available, while in others information of the actual price is available (transacted price).
The Price Reference Report contains information from the purchases of antiretrovirals, anti-malarial, anti-tuberculosis and anti-hepatitis pharmaceutical products, as well as other health products, including insecticidal nets, insecticides, condoms, diagnostic tests for HIV, TB, malaria and co-infections such as syphilis, hepatitis B, and hepatitis C. It includes volume procured, average unit cost, and median and lowest price.
The online database contains information about prices from pharmaceutical suppliers, international development organizations, and government agencies for a number of selected medicines. It is possible to search by year, from 1991 to 2015.
This was formerly known as the International Drug Price Indicator Guide.
​MSF reports include pricing for first line, second line and salvage regimes for HIV treatments. It also provides the latest HIV-treatment guidelines from the WHA, as well as information on ARVs, including quality assurance, manufacturers, and pricing. Reports are available annually since 2001. Last data from 2018 available at https://msfaccess.org/stopping-senseless-deaths.
Untangling the Web of Antiretroviral Price Reductions and other reports with price information (Médecins Sans Frontières)
Published in 2014. “The paper provides information on the prices paid by 20 middle-income countries for adult and paediatric formulations of antiretroviral treatments recommended by WHO. It links this information with an analysis of the intellectual property situation of the selected medicines taking into account existing license agreements as well as compulsory licenses, and includes data and general information on a number of other determinants of prices and availability of ARVs, including tariffs, markups and taxes, as well as the regulatory status.”
Increasing access to HIV treatment in middle-income countries: Key data on prices, regulatory status, tariffs and the intellectual property situation (WHO)
This study published in October 2018 provides a comparison between prices in the US and 16 other countries for 27 medicines which have a single source in the US and represent the highest spending for Medicare.
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Office of the Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation - Comparison of U.S. and International Prices for Top Medicare Part B Drugs by Total Expenditures (United States)
The DrugBank database includes information on drugs and drug targets, including information on patents and prices for some medicines. It aims to provide bioinformatics and cheminformatics information and results can be filtered according to market availability in the United States, Canada, and Europe.
“WHO has compiled a list of sources of medicines price information and health care guides from health agencies and national ministries of health. The sources listed below are grouped by health agencies and WHO regions. Most cover a broad range of medicines, but some focus on specific areas of medicine.”