"The WHO Global Observatory on Health R&D is a centralized and comprehensive source of information and analyses on global health R&D activities for human diseases. It builds on existing data and reports from a wide range of data sources, and gathers new information (where needed and feasible) with the aim of enabling decisions on priorities in R&D."
"The Global Innovation Index (GII) provides detailed metrics about the innovation performance of some 130 countries and economies around the world". It includes several indicators, including R&D expenditures by the public and the private sectors. The 2019 edition brings a special theme on medical innovation, including mapping of health R&D.
“The G-FINDER survey tracks global public, private, and philanthropic investment into product research and development (R&D) for neglected diseases. These are diseases that predominantly affect developing countries and for which products are needed but there is insufficient commercial incentive to stimulate R&D. Additionally, the survey tracks investment into product R&D for emerging infectious diseases (EIDs). The list of diseases included is based on the priority pathogens identified in the WHO R&D Blueprint. The survey includes R&D of drugs, vaccines, diagnostics, vector control products and microbicides, from basic research through to post-registration studies.”
“The Resource Tracking for HIV Prevention R&D Working Group (RTWG), led by AVAC, in partnership with the International AIDS Vaccine Initiative and UNAIDS tracks trends in R&D investments and expenditures for biomedical HIV prevention options, including AIDS vaccines, microbicides, multipurpose prevention technologies, pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP), treatment as prevention, medical male circumcision, female condoms, HSV-2 vaccines, HIV cure and therapeutic vaccines.”
"TAG's annual Report on Tuberculosis Research Funding Trends tracks how much public, private, philanthropic, and multilateral institutions spend on TB research and development (R&D) across six areas of research: basic science, diagnostics, drugs vaccines, operational research, and infrastructure/unspecified projects. The report measures how investment totals in these research categories compare with the funding targets outlined in the Stop TB Partnership’s Global Plan to Stop TB. Published every year since 2006, the report serves as the leading reference document on TB R&D investments among researchers, activists, civil-society organizations, and policy markers working to end TB."