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on innovation and access to medicines

A one-stop source providing open access information, research and analysis on policies relating to pharmaceutical innovation and access. Topics are organized under three interrelated themes: Pricing, Intellectual Property and Innovation. Resources include: research syntheses on a range of topics, data sources, webinars and a list of research gaps.

The Knowledge Portal aims to make existing knowledge more available and accessible to communities of policy & practice as a tool to achieve needs-driven innovation and globally-equitable access to medicines.



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What's New?


Pharmaceutical Innovation in the Global South 

OSUN Research Collaboration


Reports, video recordings and teaching materials are now available online!​

The research syntheses aim to provide concise, comprehensive overviews of the current state of research on a specific topic.
Topics may be listed under more than one theme.

**Disclaimer: The research syntheses aim to provide a concise, comprehensive overview of the current state of research on a specific topic. They seek to cover the main studies in the academic and grey literature, but are not systematic reviews capturing all published studies on a topic. As with any research synthesis, they also reflect the judgments of the researchers. The length and detail vary by topic. Each synthesis will undergo open peer review, and be updated periodically based on feedback received on important missing studies and/or new research. Selected topics focus on national and international-level policies, while recognizing that other determinants of access operate at sub-national level. Work is ongoing on additional topics. We welcome suggestions on the current syntheses and/or on new topics to cover.


All research syntheses are published Open Access, and distributed in accordance with the Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial International (CC BY-NC 4.0) license, which permits others to distribute, remix, adapt, build upon this work non-commercially, and license their derivative works on different terms, provided the original work is properly cited and the use is non-commercial. Third party material are not included. See:


Biosecurity R&D: Lessons from the U.S. from pre-covid to post-covid
15 December 2021

Assessing Public Contributions to Drug Development: A Novel Framework |
24 November 2021

Local production of essential medicines in Brazil and Europe: Lessons and future directions |
21 October 2021


Global Health Centre

The Knowledge Portal is a project of the Global Health Centre at the Geneva Graduate Institute.



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The Knowledge Network on Innovation and Access to Medicines is a project of the Global Health Centre at the Graduate Institute, Geneva. The project seeks to maximize the contributions of research and analysis to producing public health needs-driven innovation and globally-equitable access to medicines.

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Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.